Microsoft DaRT Winpe Remote Control

Installation and Configuration

  • Download Microsoft MDOP 2015 from your Microsoft VLC.
  • Mount the MDOP .iso and copy out .\DaRT\DaRT 10\Installers\en-us\x64\MSDaRT100.msi for Windows Server 2019 (for lower versions of Windows Server copy out .\DaRT\DaRT 8 SP1\Installers\en-us\x64\MSDaRT801.msi).
  • Install the Microsoft ADK on the Sccm server (adksetup.exe)
  • Install the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit on the Sccm server. (MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit_x64.msi)
  • Create an new deployment share or open an existing deployment share.
  • Enable monitoring on the MDT share.

Microsoft Surface Book 3

Microsoft365 for Business

Microsoft365 for Business

Microsoft365 for Business

$BootImageName = “MDT_ADK_10.1.17134.1”
$MountPath = “D:\Tools\Mount”
$DartCab = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft DaRT 8\v8\”
$MDTInstallationPath = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit”
$SampleFiles = “D:\Tools\Scripts”
$SiteServer = “XXX-SCCM-01”
$SiteCode = “XXX”

  • Edit Unattend.xml to match your environment

<Path>wscript.exe X:\Deploy\Scripts\EnableDart.wsf /EventService:http://SERVERNAME:9800 /_SMSTSCurrentActionName:”Booted into WinPE”</Path>

  • Copy C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\Distribution\Tools\x64\ to C:\Program Files\Microsoft DaRT 8\v8 (or v10) on the Sccm server
  • Copy Add-DaRTtoBootImage.ps1, EnableDart.wsf and Unattend.xml to the Sccm server to match the value in Add-DaRTtoBootImage.ps1. ($SampleFiles = “D:\Tools\Scripts”)
  • Run Add-DaRTtoBootImage.ps1 on the Sccm server

Remote Control a Machine During Winpe

  • Start a build that utilizes the customsettings.ini that was edited earlier.
  • Start the MDT and expand the share.
  • Left click on “Monitoring” and select “Refresh” 



  • You now see that there is a machine in a “Running” status.  Double click the machine.


  • Click on the “DaRT Remote Control” button.


  • You will now be able to control the machine that is being built.


Configure DaRT For Use on Admin Workstations  


  • Install the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. \\nossaman.local\dfs\Source\BlueLeafTechnologies\DropZone-x64\Microsoft_Dart_10.0\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit_x64.msi
  • Install the Microsoft ADK. \\nossaman.local\dfs\Source\BlueLeafTechnologies\DropZone-x64\Microsoft_Dart_10.0\adksetup.exe


  • Install Microsoft DaRT 10
  • Start the MDT and open existing share \\SERVERNAME\MDT_DaRT$ (Do not upgrade the content).
  • Expand the Deployment Share, right click “Monitoring”, and select “Refresh”.
  • Double click the machine that is being built and press the “DaRT Remote Control” button.
